How to Complete Your Student Profile on the Financial Aid, Awards and Scholarships Application (FAAS App)

The Student Profile section of the Financial Aid, Awards and Scholarships (FAAS) Application lets you submit personal and financial information that can be used by Student Financial Services to connect you to available award opportunities.

  1. Visit 
  2. Click the Sign in with Passport York button. You will be redirected to the Passport York login screen.
  3. Enter your Passport York username and password.
  4. After a successful login, you will be redirected to the Student Portal screen.

If you do not yet have a Passport York account, or if you have forgotten your username or password, visit the University Information Technology website for instructions and help.

  1. Once you have logged in to the , look for the Profile Management area on the left side of the portal screen.
  2. In the Profile Management area, click Student Profile.

3. Click on the row showing your York student number / name / email address to open your profile.

The Student Profile has the following tabs:

  • Student Information
  • Demographics
  • Engagement
  • Research/Travel
  • Finances
  • Addresses
  • Privacy and Declaration

To navigate between these tabs, you can either:

  • click in the horizontal row of tab names to go directly to the tab you want

  • use the NEXT > and < BACK buttons at the bottom-right and bottom-left of the screen to advance or go back one tab in sequence


Note: Some data fields in the Student Profile are pulled directly from your Student Information System (SIS) records and are therefore not editable from within the profile. These fields will have a closed padlock icon to show that the value is locked from editing.

If you see a locked field with an incorrect value that you need to change—for example, if your name is spelled wrong, your mailing address is outdated or your citizenship status is incorrect—please visit the Student Personal Information page for help in making the change on your record.

The Student Information tab shows personal information including your York University student number (SISID), your name and pronouns, your date of birth, your contact information (email and phone), and your immigration status. If you are a student from Quebec who has applied for government aid, you will also see your Quebec Permanent Code number here.

The Demographics tab has questions about your Ontario residency status and asks about your identification as a first-generation post-secondary student, a person with a disability and as an Indigenous person, and if you were ever in the care of a Children's Aid Society or a Child and Family Services Agency.

The Engagement tab has questions about your college affiliation at York, your history of community involvement, and other activities on- and off-campus.

If you are an undergraduate student, you must also confirm on this screen whether you applied (or will apply) for a job at York through the Work/Study program.

If you are a graduate student with funding from York, you must also confirm on this screen whether you applied (or will apply) for a teaching assistant (TA) position at York this academic year.

The Research/Travel tab is primarily intended for supporting graduate students with bursaries and awards related to attending conferences to present their research.

The Finances tab lets you input financial information to generate an assessment for need-based awards.

In this tab, you can create and submit a Need Assessment. This will calculate the difference between your available finances and your educational costs.

For many types of financial aid—such as bursaries—assessing the applicant’s financial need is a required part of the award process. This is true of nearly half of all awards available at York University.

We strongly recommend that you complete the need assessment in your Student Profile since this allows you to be considered for as many awards as possible. However, your assessed need may not be met entirely through York financial aid.


How to Complete a Need Assessment

  1. Click the + button to create a new Need Assessment.
  2. Under Do you wish to submit your financial information to be considered for need-based awards? choose either Yes or No and press the Save Draft button.
  3. If you choose No, then you are finished with this screen and a Need Assessment will not be submitted. Press the X in the top right corner of the pop up window to close this section and complete the rest of the tabs in the Student Profile.
  4. If you choose Yes, then you will see a new drop-down list with the heading Select the program that you are applying for. Choose the relevant academic year and session and then click the Continue button.
  5. Answer all questions on the Need Assessment under the Financial Information tab. Some responses will make additional questions appear. If you do not have time to complete all of the questions in one sitting, you can save your progress by clicking the Save Draft button.
  6. When you have completed all questions, click the Submit button. You can then proceed to complete the rest of the tabs in the student profile.

The Addresses tab shows the permanent, local and temporary mailing addresses on your York student record.

If any of these addresses are outdated or incorrect, please visit the Student Personal Information page to see how to update that information.

The Privacy and Declaration tab describes how your submitted information will be used and potentially disclosed in accordance with the University's privacy policies. It also asks you to explicitly declare that the information you submitted is complete, true and subject to verification.

If you understand and agree to these conditions, click the I agree checkbox below the Declaration and Consent section. If you do not click that checkbox, your application cannot be processed.

After you have entered all of your data and signaled your agreement in the Privacy and Declaration tab, click the Submit Profile button.

If you are not yet ready to submit your profile but want to save the data you already entered, click the Save Draft button instead.

If you need to make a change to your submitted profile, click the Revise Profile button to re-open it for editing.

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Please remember to include your full name and your student number (or application reference number) in your email.