Tax Forms and Filing

Tax Forms

Retrieve Your Tax Form

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has successfully completed the process of deleting all duplicate tax forms as of January 14, 2025. We sincerely appreciate the patience and understanding of students impacted.

Tax forms for the 2024 T2202 and T4 will be available starting February 28, 2025.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Student Support and Advising.  

You can now access T2202 and T4A tax forms for the 2023 tax year in the Tax Form Module (TFM).

If you are a current or former student, you can access tax forms — sometimes also referred to as tax slips — from 1998 onward through the Tax Form Module (TFM) using your Passport York account.

Need to get or reset your Passport York account?

Information on Tax Forms

You must report your Social Insurance Number (SIN) in the T2202 form. Please ensure you have provided your SIN in your Student Personal Information record.

The T2202 tax slip shows eligible tuition and fees that you can claim on your personal income tax return. 

The total amount of tuition and fees you paid may not exactly match what is listed on your T2202 form because not all tuition and fees are tax deductible.

We issue T2202 tax slips for tuition paid during the calendar year — January to December. If you do not pay, then the reporting of your unpaid amounts on your T2202 will be delayed.

The Canada Revenue Agency publication Income Tax Folio S1-F2-C2: Tuition Tax Credit has more information.

We do not issue tax receipts for residence fees or meal plan payments. Residence fees cannot be claimed as rent for income tax purposes, per Ontario’s Income Tax Act, section 8, subsection (8) — Deemed occupancy cost for students.

The T4 tax slip shows amounts paid to an individual by an employer. These are also referred to as remuneration.

If you work at York, the Payroll and Human Resources unit will send you a T4, in the Employee Self Service portal’s Payroll and Compensation screen.

You must report your Social Insurance Number (SIN) in the T2202 form. Please ensure you have provided your SIN in your Student Personal Information record.

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) requires all educational institutions to report bursaries, scholarships, awards, prizes and fellowship payment provided to students for the calendar year from January 1 to December 31. These amounts are reported in box 105 of the T4A slip.

For more details, see the CRA publications Income Tax Folio S1-F2-C3, Scholarships, Research Grants and Other Education Assistance and Line 13010 - Taxable scholarships, fellowships, bursaries, and artists’ project grants.

OSAP and T4A Slips

You can find T4A slips from OSAP (such as Canada Student Grants) and receipts for interest paid on student loans in your National Student Loans Service Centre (NSLSC) online account.

Fee waivers and T4A Slips

Fee waivers for senior citizen students are considered scholarships.

Because tuition fee waivers for eligible dependents are considered a taxable benefit, a T4A is issued.

The Disability Tax Credit (DTC) reduces the income tax that people with physical or mental impairments, or their supporting family members, may have to pay. 

You can apply by submitting Form T2201 - Disability Tax Credit Certificate

The Canada Revenue Agency’s RC4064 Disability-Related Information includes an eligibility self-assessment questionnaire and instructions on how to apply.

Do you have more questions about tax returns?

We cannot advise you on how you should complete your tax return.

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) can help you find a free tax preparation clinic or you may prefer hiring a tax professional. The CRA has helpful services and publications:

These include:

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Contact us

Ways to connect with Student Support & Advising

  • In-person
  • Phone
  • Email

Visit the Contact SSA page for more details on hours of operation.

Email: (Please remember to include your name and reference or student number in your email.)