Courses & Grades
Find everything you need to know about courses, grades and your current progress in your studies.
Degree Progress Report
The Degree Progress Report is an online self-serve tool that lets you track your progress toward your degree. It is available for a number of single major programs, with a plan to implement it for more programs over time.

Special Circumstances
Pass/Fail Option
The Pass/Fail option is convenient for taking courses without impacting your grade point average. If you plan to pursue further higher education, check the admission requirements before you choose to complete a course on an ungraded basis.
Exclude a Course from your overall GPA (Course Relief)
Eligible undergraduate students who have changed their program degree or major can exclude courses they completed toward the requirements of their prior major from their Overall Cumulative Grade Point Average (OCGPA) and credit totals for their new program of study.
Repeating a Course
Students in most programs can repeat a passed or failed course twice for degree or certificate credit, to a maximum of three attempts per course. Although the previous attempts remain on their academic record, only the most recent attempt counts toward credit totals and grade point averages.
Occasionally, a student may become ill, have a personal or family emergency or a religious observance which requires them to ask for special consideration for an alternate date to write their final exam or submit their outstanding coursework beyond the last day of classes.
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