In-Person Counselling

Eligibility for Service

Students registered and enrolled at York University are eligible for counselling services at the Keele, Glendon and Markham campuses. If you are currently in Ontario, you can access virtual support 24/7 through Good2Talk

Single Session Walk-in Counselling

No pre-booked appointments

  • Walk-in sessions provided Monday to Friday 9 am to 3 pm
  • Visit us in-person at our Keele, Glendon or Markham campuses

Walk-in Counselling is intended to provide students with timely access to a qualified counselling professional in a safe and positive space. The 50-minute session's focus is on the issue(s) you identified as having brought you into the office that day.

Student Success Centre
York Hall (YH) B108

Bennett Centre for Student Services

Student Success Centre
Rm 2010, 2nd floor

Visit our Contact page for more information about our office and other ways to get in touch.


  • You can access walk-in counselling more than once. However, it is our expectation that before returning you will have completed the “next steps” plan co-created in your previous session. 
  • You may not always be paired with the same counsellor for additional visits, but counsellors will begin your return session with a review of your progress on the “next steps” plan. 
  • Student Counselling, Health & Well-being does not provide documentation (e.g., counsellor statements, support letters, petitions, etc.) to students who only attend walk-in counselling, except for letters of attendance. 

Short-term Counselling (6-8 Sessions)

SCHW works under a short-term therapy model.

You may only access short-term therapy after attending a single session appointment. You will also need to have attempted the “next step” goals created in your previous single session with a counsellor.

You and your counsellor will collaborate and decide your need for short-term therapy and whether or not it is suitable. 

All counsellors at Student Counselling, Health & Well-being are registered clinicians who have experience working with a diverse student population.

With that said, SCHW recognizes that you may desire to meet with a counsellor with whom you share the same or similar identity / background. 

If you prefer to meet with counsellor of a particular identity (e.g., male, female, Black-identifying, 2SLGBTQIA+-identifying, etc.) for ongoing counselling, please alert your counsellor during your single session appointment. We will do our best to ensure these preferences are met promptly. 


We love hearing from you!

Contact us

Ways to connect with Student Support & Advising

  • In-person
  • Phone
  • Email

Visit the Contact SSA page for more details on hours of operation.

Email: (Please remember to include your name and reference or student number in your email.)